Closing Words

  1. May the confidence, trust, and affection you share today continue to support you as you embark on your journey together—through all its joys, laughter, sorrows, and challenges. Help one another achieve your personal goals, offering guidance and encouragement along the way. Nurture your relationship and build a life together filled with peace, love, and happiness.

  2. May your days be filled with joy, and may you always be the light in each other’s lives. Let love remain at the core of all that you are so that it always lives within you. May you consistently see the best in each other and encourage each other to grow allowing the challenges life brings your way to strengthen your bond. May you always be each other's best friend and greatest love.

  3. _________ and _________, today you’ve declared your love and commitment to each other in front of those who care about you. You come from different backgrounds, have walked different paths, and are unique individuals—but your love has transcended these differences.

    In the years ahead, may the traditions that have shaped you both, continue to enrich and brighten your lives as you work together to build your future. May you face life's challenges with courage and optimism, learn from your struggles, growing stronger through your successes. When faced with pain or difficulty, may you meet it with resilience and a light heart and in times of joy, may you share your happiness and joy with others. Let love remain the guiding force in your lives so that the bond you celebrate today continues to be a source of strength and joy for all the days to come.

  4. By your own choice, you have entered into marriage. Regardless of the demands on your time and lives, the true meaning of your journey is now defined by the love you share. Nurture each other to fullness and wholeness and continually renew your bond with love and laughter.
    Hold on to the capacity for wonder, spontaneity, humor, and sensitivity. Always make time for each other—to deepen your love and grow in your ability to love more fully.

  5. You are now united in marriage. May you always remain sweethearts, partners, and true friends.
    May your life together be filled with kindness, understanding, thoughtfulness, and joy.
    May the years bring you happiness, contentment, and peace.
    Enter each other’s sorrow with deep sympathy, share in each other’s joy with gladness, nurture each other’s hopes with unwavering faith, and meet each other’s needs with the constant presence of love.
    May you approach each day with enthusiasm, embracing the adventure of life together.

  6. May you always find peace in your home and in each other’s hearts.
    May your faithfulness to one another remain unwavering.
    Stay open and flexible, always ready to listen and consider each other’s perspectives.
    Seek out new ways to strengthen your bond and deepen your connection.
    Remember that no one person can fulfill all the needs of the other, but together, you will complement and support each other.
    Continue to explore shared interests that bring you closer.
    Cherish one another’s strengths, focusing on the positive and lifting each other up and let your love grow deeper, richer, and more enduring with each passing day.

  7. May life bless you with beautiful moments of togetherness and love, creating memories that warm your souls for years to come.
    May you continually discover new ways to cherish the remarkable gifts you share as a couple.
    May you have all the time you want to enjoy the magic and wonder of your love and look ahead with faith and confidence, knowing the years to come will be your best yet and most of all, may you share this love and joy for as long as you live and love and grow together.